We constantly strive to optimize our work and make the best use of your donations. That's why we often don't transport the necessary supplies to the soldiers using our own vehicles but instead send them to the nearest Nova Poshta branch. The military personnel can then collect everything at their convenience. This might result in fewer epic photos, but with the saved fuel costs, we can purchase more essential equipment. However, the expenses for sending the items also used to consume a significant portion of our resources. Therefore, in April, we applied for cooperation with Nova Poshta Humanitarian. Аnd our organization has got accreditation. Now, we receive credits for free shipments every month. As a result, all your donations are allocated towards necessities such as gear, drones, optics, and protection.
We are immensely grateful to Nova Poshta for this program, their quick response to requests, and their trust in our organization. We provide monthly reports for all the credits used.